Eric F. Box Funeral Directors

Celebrating remarkable lives with memorable funerals


Eric F. Box produces a quarterly printed newsletter which is mailed to a range of professional and individual subscribers from clerics to nurses, GPs to lawyers, all of whom have some kind of connection with the world of bereavement, be it Wills & Probate, end-of-life care or simply an individual looking for relevant information at their time of need.

We like to think that it contains hugely relevant information about our profession, and our on-going aim is to inform and educate, hence why we have looked at topics as diverse as Royal and Iconic Funerals, death rites across the world, industry topics such as local authority investment in our cemeteries and crematoria, and even the growing emergence of ‘selfies’ at funeral ceremonies.

Why not subscribe below?

Reading the Box quarterly newsletter will help you better understand your journey through grief, and guide you towards healing and the future. We look forward to hearing from you or any friends / family who would like adding to our mailing list.

    Alternatively email our editor, Philip Hopkins and he will add you to our mailing list. He can be contacted on