Eric F. Box Funeral Directors

Celebrating remarkable lives with memorable funerals

Informing Organisations

When someone dies the mail simply does not stop, anymore than the call centres cease ringing. However, you can help the situation by informing key organisations about the death of a loved one, in order to prevent further unwanted contact, but, before you start, it can be helpful to have the following information to hand about the person who has died:

National Insurance number; NHS number; Date & place of birth; Date of marriage or civil partnership if appropriate, and their tax reference number.

What to do in the first five days?

  • Notify the family doctor & find the Will
  • If relevant, complete Form BD8 which is given to you when you register the death. Send this to the local Jobcentre Plus
  • If the person who has died was receiving benefits/tax credits advise the offices that were making the payments. This may have been done if you requested the ‘Tell us Once Service’ when you initially registered the death, but it’s still better to check

Want a more comprehensive list of who you might need to call? Get in touch with Eric F. Box Funeral Directors. Our phone numbers are at the foot of the website Home Page.

If there is / Is not a Will

Contact the Executor of the Will if this isn’t you. The person nominated will sort out the deceased’s affairs. However, where there is no Will, you need to decide who is charged with sorting the deceased’s affairs. That person should then contact the Probate Registry to apply for Letters of Administration.