Eric F. Box Funeral Directors

Celebrating remarkable lives with memorable funerals

It’s Good to Talk!

It's Good to Talk

How much do you know about those close to you?

Obviously there are the big moments that shape each and every one of us – graduation, first job, falling in love, marriage, having children, seeing them grow up. But, a ‘life story’ is so much more than that. Sometimes it is the small moments that shape who we are and what we value.

They’re the things that ‘talking’ will draw out.

Sitting down with a loved one to talk about their life can be a rich and satisfying experience, and learning about events and people, places and favourite activities, values and lessons they have learnt, can bring us closer to those we care most about.

Having the ‘talk of a lifetime’ can make the difference of a lifetime, by reacquainting us with a loved one and helping us to get to know them in a new and different way.

Finding a way to start may be the most difficult part, however once you’ve begun the only problem will be knowing when to stop!

It's Good to Talk