Eric F. Box Funeral Directors

Celebrating remarkable lives with memorable funerals

  • “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.”
    Muriel Strode

  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
    Henry S. Haskins

  • ”The elevator to success is out of order,
    you’ll have to use the stairs…one step at a time!"
    Joe Girard

  • “An obstacle is often a stepping stone.”
    William Prescott

  • “Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.”
    Emily P. Bissell

  • “Remember that happiness is a way of travel not a destination.”
    Roy L. Goodman


Ideally you need to rehearse before the day of the funeral. A mirror is always a good start! Alternatively get someone you trust to listen to your words, delivery and content, and ask them to give honest but constructive feedback.

On the day itself make sure your eulogy is typed out in large enough font so that it is easy to read, and so that someone else can take over if you feel overcome by the occasion. Also, as a safeguard, make sure that someone else has a spare copy of the eulogy in case you leave yours on the kitchen table.

You need to speak slowly – everyone wants to hear what you have to say – and don’t be afraid to pause because a moment’s silence can validate the point you wish to make.

Strong eye contact is good. Easier said than done but if you are speaking about a family member, try to look at the individual in question when you do. That should form part of your rehearsal… to read something whilst periodically looking up at your audience or key individuals.

Do not tap your fingers or feet. Try to stand still and, if you feel you have lost your audience, conclude sooner rather than later. And, most importantly, be on your mettle; no stiff drinks before the big moment!